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Old 05-14-2007, 03:49 AM   #25
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Re: 70 Longbed-Howdy from Houston

Originally Posted by Texasduffer View Post
That's the look I'm going for with the flat black. Maybe a little more on the grayer side than what you've done, but that is as close as I've seen to my vision. I think my rim selection and the pin striping I'm considering is gonna work out good after seeing those pics.

I'm still worried that I may need to get it down a little lower, but I just don't want to part with the cash it takes to get the airbags. Something doesn't sit well with me adding that kinda technology to such a classically simple steel truck, but I might talk myself into it...Thx for those pics.

Thanks, (classically simple steel truck) could not have said it better. I'm going to 60 series tires in the back (should eat up about an other inch of wheel well space with out lowering it any more. I'll leave the 50's in the front. With out serious mods and alot more $$$ this is pretty much as low as I would go and feel safe. (In case of a flat.) My goal is to keep it low key on the bling-bling, kinda poor boy hot rod.

I'm in the process (started today) of doing the bed wood .... no s/s, painted strips & bolts, Stained in dark oak and finished in a satin clear, box to be mounted as the factory did. On my 50' I mounted the box below the floor to get away from odd bolts and oblong washers.

LOL on your truck ....

Tomorrow is for doing today's stuff.


This truck has just the right amount of energy for me!

Author: Warren Lake .... (member)

Last edited by EAST SIDE LOW LIFE; 05-14-2007 at 03:50 AM.
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