parts for sale
I,ve added more items please look back as i will be adding more all prices are plus shipping unless stated different or these parts can be picked up here in lilburn ga or at super chevy at commerce ga at the end of the month prices may be negotionable i can get more pictures if needed
1. big block shroud SOLD TO 396MUNCIE
2. 72 big block motor mounts SOLD
3. cowl panel both are above average with antenna hole $25
without antenna hole $40
4. super emblem 1 good needs paint the other has 2 holes drilled in it both have good studs $12/pr
5. cheyenne 10 $20/pr.
6. 8 400 emblems $20/pr.
Last edited by Down south truckin; 05-29-2007 at 09:02 PM.