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Old 05-18-2007, 10:10 PM   #36
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Location: Riverside, CA 92507
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Re: Reproduction VIN tag

Originally Posted by stllookn View Post
I understand that in WA State the VIN follows the cab. Now I have heard conflicting information in that regard. If you don't have a title (signed/released by the original owner) in this are pretty much forked...your vehicle will go to a towing yard and owner of record will get notices, then it goes to the auction.

Rupdog, who is the owner of record? If it is the dead guy...or was the title transfered to your friend then you? Just curious.
owner of record was the dead guy. i had to complete paperwork (2 bills of sale). one showed transfer from dead guy to PO, then from PO to me. i had to send the first one to dead guy's mother out-of-state (power of attorney), to sign everything off.

because the truck has been off the road for 10 years (or more), DMV requires a new inspection. all the other paperwork was submitted, and accepted without too much issue. SO... pending a CHP inspection, and brake/lamp certification, the truck will officially be in my name, and i'll get new plates/stickers. only red flag will be the missing VIN at time of inspection, which is what all this is about...

wew! i'm pooped.
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