Ace in the hole, sorry no power brakes
Hart_Rod, only got 3, I need to check their condition on Sunday, I don't think they were good, maybe driver shape
Smokedriver153, sorry no shipping grill
02_GMC_97, they have been worked on and screws through the face
CG, I got bored and bought one for something to do instead of yardwork
Blazerman, Rob, actually the grill is the best part of the body, how's $100 for all this stuff you asked about. It doesn't have the inner grill. As for the gate, I need to look at it better, I just unloaded it and had to take care of the kids, never really checked it out.
I bought that other original 70, I'm picking it sometime Sunday, I may part some of it, not sure yet.
Luv, Craig, I doubt it but I haven't pulled the cover
sgaylord, Steve, PS pump and brackets $50 shipped
TooMuchStuff, Eric, I'll check them better Sunday, not sure condition
Thanks guys, Randy