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Old 05-20-2007, 05:29 PM   #14
Looks good at 20-ft .....
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Mtn Home, AR
Posts: 707
Re: HELP! Do I Sell IT?!

"Basicly-Stock" is not a bad thing.

Mine is about as plain-vanilla as it gets, and everywhere I park it, it always ends up with somebody wanting to buy it, talk about how cool it is, telling me they, their dad, grandad, whatever "had one just like it," and mine STILL needs a ton of stuff done to it, & lotsa $$$ spent on it.

If yours is a "family" piece ---- no question: FIX IT & DRIVE IT !!!!!!!!

If your friend pressures you for his shop space bad, move it, tarp it, & work on it when you can.

Once it's gone, you'll be kicking yourself forever about selling it.
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