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Old 05-22-2007, 01:03 AM   #6
e rock
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Re: DIY Bedliner, any pics?

Originally Posted by ChevyDude View Post
I run a spray-in shop. You cannot get the same results from a 100 dollar kit that is comparable to what my 15,000 dollar Graco machine lays down. This is an area where you get what you pay for, IMHO.
Very true. But, sometimes you just don't need anything more than a DIY kit.

I did the whole interior of my Land Cruiser in the cheapest stuff I could find - Duplicolor. It was like $40 for a gallon of liner and a loop-knap roller to lay it down with some texture. The best part of this stuff is that they also sell it in rattle cans for $7. The rattle cans are great for touch-ups and for getting a little extra in places that the roller can't get to.

I would not use it to do the bed of a truck that gets used. It's fairly thin (something I wanted for fitment since it's the interior), so it's relatively brittle and will chip off if I drop something sharp onto it. It stands up really well to wear, except right below my right heel, but that only wore when my brake master puked and softened the liner. From what I've seen, it's similar to herculiner but cheaper.

Just for clarity - I would not use one of these kits in my truck bed since it actually has to haul stuff.
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