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Old 05-22-2007, 10:31 PM   #1
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buying a 56 chevy truck

well my ex-girlfriend/quasi-girlfriend wants me to help her purchase a 56 chevy truck thats sitting at a classic car dealer lot for her dad for fathers day. i was wondering what sort of questions to ask, what to look for, whats problematic, anything and everything. the father is definately capable of restoring/fabricating just about anything so i know he can handle the truck in any condition, i just dont want the girl to pay too much for too little. im not really sure what it's gunna be worth since i usually get my vehicles for a song and a tear. any tips would be appreciated. i talked to the dealer on the phone and he "claims" it is all original with a 6 cylinder and 3 on the tree, just needs body work. asking $5k. still gotta go see this thing... thanks. -josh
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