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Old 05-25-2007, 01:18 PM   #54
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Re: I want this so bad but?

Originally Posted by 69BBsuburban View Post
Hey.....what a need to work on your '31 first.....right?? he he he.......
Look at your SIG...ya got enough projects......(oh crap, I sound like my wife...hahahahaha)
I need to get my bike in order so I can ride it to relieve some stress.(granted: I REALLY DON"T NEED THAT SUPERMOTO WHEEL SET :P) just to ride my bike. Got the Orange beast sold. Just gotta finish the tailgate latches and reshoot the hood. (blew through on the pain when I was polishing ) It should be gone by the end of next week. The guy is ecstatic and told me not to rush finishing it!!! Then I am going to do a revamp on my shop. Finish insulating, sheetrocking, painting and rewiring some stuff. Then I will feel good about working on my next project. It's a toss up as to which one I am going to start first? The Nova or the '31. and on and on and on....

Oh and I am supposed to be putting another addition on my house and finishing the master bath and remodeling the current bat...
-John II
"A Little's Good! A Lot's Better! & Too Much is Just Right!!"
-1978 Chevy C10 Stepside 350/4sp/12 bolt
-1967 Nova 2dr HT & a couple others...

Last edited by jr2; 05-25-2007 at 01:20 PM.
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