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Old 05-25-2007, 02:57 PM   #1
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Who's running Richmond six speed ?

I know a couple of you guys have em
what do you think ? I've heard they are notchy shifting , maybe because
there built well ? pros / cons ?
I have one brand new that did'nt go with my 66 Chevelle when I sold it.
I could sell it and get a lil over 2k but it sounds fun and at this point I don't
drive my truck everyday so its reasonable vs. rebuilding my t350 and adding
o/d (Gearvendors) I would prefer the atm but the 6 speed is paid for and
would sure be fun ! 1st gear if I recall correctly is 3.06 which would go well
with my 3.07 rear gears but would 6th gear be worthless ??
I value your input , THANKS
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