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Old 05-27-2007, 10:53 PM   #6
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Twin Cities, MN
Posts: 316
Re: What did you get done? Memorial day edition.

I thought about working on my rig does that count? I however unseized the sbc thats in my boat. Piston ring got hung up but after several weeks of soaking in penetrating lube and some gentle persuasion she broke loose and now she purrs like a kitten. Thats what I get for not putting her in the water for almost five years.

Hey Jeff those pics are very familiar. Gooseberry falls is a very special place for me and the wife. Been to Duluth many times, stayed at the South Pier Inn next to the aerial lift bridge before. Going to Bluefin Bay fathers day weekend. When I get the '78 Bonanza runnin I'd love to take her on the North Shore drive in the fall for the colors.

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