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Old 05-28-2007, 12:24 AM   #1
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Location: SLc,UT
Posts: 300
new(old) 1971blazer long time lurker--new member-- with some pics

I have been lurking around and have been looking for a 69-72 blazer to buy. This site and its contributing members are outstanding in support and good posting. I got this 71 blazer for 2800 bucks. Ill get into it more in the proper forum but as you can see from the pics its in decent shape but someone along the way did some hack job body work to COVER up rust and not properly get rid of it so there is some work to do but 99% of it is in the common areas.

I live in SLC Utah now and as far as I know this truck has been here for its lifetime. The rust could be worse.

Hello to everyone
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Semper Fi

Last edited by DURRTY; 05-28-2007 at 12:27 AM. Reason: spelling
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