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Old 05-29-2007, 07:32 AM   #114
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Location: NSW, Australia
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Re: How to lower my ride? Please help a newbie.

You have a sweet ride there, with those helper air bags you had installed in the front suspension did you have any problems with them or did you just remove them so you could go lower??

I ask because my truck has 3" drop spindles with 2" lowered coils, with the 30" tall tyres I currently have on it I have approx 5" clearance under the lower a-arms. My tyres buzz the fenders in big dips at the moment so I am planning to put a set of 28" tall tyres on soon.

This brings me to my question. Over here in Australia the lowest you can legally go is 4" at the lowest point even if you are totally bagged. So by changing the tyres I will be at the legal limit, now I have a 454 sitting in the shed waiting to go in, which will make the front end drop another 1" or so.

Basically I can get this setup to suit my truck here in Australia and the manufacturer says it will work but I want the opinion of someone who has used them.

I'm not that interested in going up and down because of the above mentioned point but will it allow me to raise the front should i need to & how will it affect the ride. I doubt it will need much pressure to lift the front, but I have read how rubbing the air bag causes it to fail. I won't be buying these till after the big block is in so I can check the ride height. Thanks for your answer in advance
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