Re: Dam thing left me! Starter?
If you are hearing a decent click, it usually is the solenoid and it is working but the starter is not engaging. Could be a frozen Bendix unit on the starter. Use a jumper wire from the battery to the outboard pole on the solenoid to see if it engages. Have the truck in PARK and the EMERGENCY BRAKE on...don't ask me why I know this is a good idea...LOL! This will bypass the neutral start switch and ignition and let you know if the starter soleniod and starter are operating correctly.
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)