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Old 05-30-2007, 10:01 PM   #4
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Re: Dam thing left me! Starter?

Well, i tried a new starter and get the same symptoms. I noticed that my temp guage needle is flapping back and forth with trying to crank. Doesn't it normally just go all the way to the right while cranking?? the little silver box on the firewall has 3 wires going to it red/green and black. Is this a voltage regulator and if so would that be my problem or porbably not?

Could it be there is not enough voltage at the solenoid wire. How to check. My battery had 12.16v, so it seems good. I think it is a wiring issue, but where do I start. What does it tell me when the little silver box is hot. I need to find out what the heck that box is because I'm probably confusing the heck out of some of you. It's right next to the fuse box?!
May all your ups and downs be in the back of a Chevy!:

Last edited by Foosified; 05-30-2007 at 10:04 PM.
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