Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
kick down cable wouldn't do it.
I wonder if it is a performance buiolt tranny... with a manual valve body maybe?
I actually had a friend suggest the same thing. He said to check and see if it was a manual valve body but to be 100% honest I don't know where the heck to look for the thing. As for all that performance built tranny stuff here's what's going on. I start in L1...go till about 20 or 25 and she wants to shift...so then I go to L2 till about 35 and she's ready to shift then into drive where she shifts and drives normally..but you have to do it in that order...if you just throw it in drive she sits in first and won't budge...(my apologizies for the claim earlier of it being third) don't know if that helps anyone make any more out of my situation but I hope so