Thread: Choke Settings?
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Old 06-02-2007, 07:25 PM   #1
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Choke Settings?

Sorry, I just realized I had posted this in "General Discussion", but wanted it here. Hope that's OK with the Moderators...

So, after the carb requild a while back, I'm still tweaking the choke (electric). Haven't driven the truck much, so it hasn't been super-critical, but it's starting to get a little annoying.

The problem... The truck does not start very well and does not run great until it's at operating temp - then it runs great. When trying to start it, it seems to flood. Eventually it will go, but it seems I need to keep the pedal on the floor and then eventually she'll get going. Then it's so-so until it's warm.

So my question is... Is the choke "closed" setting the same whether it's super cold (winter) or just cold - as in not run for a while - like summer? I know that in the winter, the choke is pretty close to closed - maybe 1/16" to 1/8" open. But that setting does not seem to work too well now. I opened it a little more but it still does not start very well.

Any thoughts?
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