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Old 06-04-2007, 10:43 AM   #8
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Re: What did you get done this weekend? 6/03/07

hmmm where to start!
I dug and boxed about 30 feet for the footer down one side of an old pole barn I am turning into my truck shop.
I cleaned both upper and lower gutters on the front of the house.
I removed about 5 years of moss growning on the front porch roof (probably 600 pounds of it! (new to us house).
Went to my "Land of the Lost" place and pulled a few parts
2 power steering pumps, 2 '64 glove box doors and an ashtray
a '64 heater plate, switch and cable for a board member
the front end off a '66 pontiac, a couple bucket seats....
And then "huffed" them 1/4 mile out of the woods.... THEN, dropped a $20 glove box door - not once but TWICE on the same side of my new truck bed, doing about $200 worth of denting and scratching!!!! UGH!
I did some other stuff but it's making me tired thinking about it.... except spending quite a bit of time with baby girl (best part of the weekend!)
"A cat will almost always blink when hit between the eyes with a ball peen hammer"
(you don't always have to state the obvious)

Wear your PPE! You can eat with false teeth but you can't see with a false eye.

1959 Studebaker Silverhawk 350/400
1972 C10 L6 3OTT
2005 F350 - Built - whew!
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