Thread: Selfish a** ?
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Old 06-05-2007, 04:48 PM   #6
Classic Heartbeat
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Re: Selfish a** ?

Telling them to keep out is a shure fire way to drive a huge wedge between you. I have been married for 18 years to my wife who had 2 boys befor we got married and I had 2 boys and a girl not living with me at the time. It is best not to have your "ZONE", because you do not want your wife feeling like she is not welcome in your life while you are there. Wether you mean that or not, that is the message that you are sending. My wife gets offended when I tell her that she needs her own time away from the family to do things that makes her happy. Her thing is bowling and I don't like the sport, so I choose not to go and that hurts her feelings. It is alright to have time on your own where you don't have any interuptions from the outside world, but I wouldn't make it off limits. Not if you want to stay married anyway or at the very least have something that she will want to argu with you time and time again about. WES
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