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Old 06-05-2007, 07:40 PM   #3
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
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Re: Driveshaft question

You have a real problem with this one..........
IIRC this is a NP208 truck, with a slip-yoke in the rear. That makes it worse. The front is bad enough, you may have to change the CV joint on the upper end. I can't remember which style is on that year......Even if it is the older style, there is some major clearencing required (grinding) on the inner stops.
Cutting an rotating the differential can help even more, but this is a lot of work and expence on an axle that is inadequite anyway.
The slip-yoke on the rear is a different story though. It will work with long wheelbase truck, but the very short Blazer will cause a binding problem. The driveshaft trise to pull down more that back, so the yoke doesn't slip. I think there is a conversion (slip yoke eliminator) kit available, but again more $$$.
12 inches of all suspension lift is too much for a Blazer...........but you already knew that. This guy is in deep and it will just get worse.
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