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Old 06-07-2007, 02:13 AM   #18
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Location: Folsom, CA
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Re: here we go again--frame numbers

I've posted this process previously. I'm a CHP in Sacto and have been the VIN officer for the past 10 years (I just don't do it as much anymore as that I've trained somebody else to do the job). So let me try and explain the whole process.

All vehicles in CA are registered based upon the frame/confidential VIN number. Anytime that the VIN is different or missing, you need to go through the process with the CHP to get the vin "verified". Basically what we do is locate the confidential VIN numbers on the vehicle and then compare it to the VIN that is displayed publicly. If the VIN on the body is missing or different, a blue tag is created reflecting the frame or confidential number and then it is placed on the cab. The blue tag (which is ugly) and 2 rivets are placed on the B-pillar after 2 holes have been drilled into it.

10751 VC states that you cannot remove, destroy alter or deface any identifying number on any vehicle nor can you possess any vehicle without the correct numbers on it. If the numbers have been removed or altered the vehicle and/or part can be impounded and, after a hearing, crushed. So my suggestion is that you not remove your VIN plate on the B-pillar to paint under it. All of these violations are considered felonies.

I can't tell you where the confidential numbers are on this truck (wink wink) just clean alot better and I'm sure you'll find what the others have shown.

Once the CHP has done their job (DMV will make you take it to them if the vehicle hasn't been registered for a while or if it is coming in from out of state) you can apply for a new title.

By the way, if during the process, the CHP finds that the vehicle is stolen (I've recovered some vehicles that were stolen in the 70's and never located) , it can be confiscated and returned to it's rightful owner.

If you need more info or if I left something out, PM me and I'll get back to you ASAP.


Last edited by bigbaldy33; 06-07-2007 at 02:15 AM.
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