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Old 06-07-2007, 12:34 PM   #4
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Re: 4 link it or not?


Obviously, I have no idea of the particulars, so I say this in very general terms....You have to be careful and not "polish a turd". In other words, think very carefully about exactly what you will have when you are done, and could that money and effort be better spent in another way or even on another truck. You did say it's a 3/4 truck right? If so, I'd have to say don't do it since your thread was asking that exact question.
'68 Chevy SWB with 460 BBC
Muncie M-22 and Eaton posi rear w/ 3.73's
Corvette rallys with mini derby

Sick horsepower and torque

Last edited by dubs68SWB; 06-07-2007 at 12:45 PM.
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