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Old 06-10-2007, 11:41 AM   #1
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Need Opinions - planning front suspension lowering

I've got a 1970 frame with something around an 85-86' crossmember/a-arms/spindles/etc. So far I've replaced the springs with 2" Western Chassis springs.

I'm thinking that a 4-5" drop is where I want to be at on the front. I'm planning on buying spindles but I'm not sure on what brand yet. I've contemplated getting upper control arms because that seems to help when aligning. I want to keep the costs of this down so putting on a complete air bag suspension with full ART components is out. (At least for now)

I will be using 20" wheels on the front with either a 245/40/20 or a 255/35/20.

I'd like to hear everyone's opinion and what they've used on their trucks. Any manufacturers to stay away from(CPP)? Any other component I need to buy to make this drop better? Maybe somewhere down the road I'll go with Porterbuilt's kit but I don't have the $$$ right now. Thanks for everyone's input.

Last edited by ctrow; 06-10-2007 at 11:42 AM.
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