Firstly thanks for your help and suggestions guys, I always appreciate the help I get on here. Now for the rest of the story.. Seeing I wasn't having any luck with the electrical I thought I might as well stick the new sport bumper on the truck while I had some time and worry about the electrical later. Okay so me and my beautiful lady grunt and twist and push and pull and we get the new bumper installed. I deciede taht is enough for today and jump in the truck to drive it around to the front of the house. When I get there my wife is satnding on the curb waiting for me and says" Idont know if I should tell you this or not, but your brake lights are working" I shook my head and pulled the headlite switch to the opark poition and lo and behold I had all my lights I didnt have an hour earlier. I did nothing electrical to change anything, all I did was change bumpers. With the old bumper removed from the truck ,no lights, with the new bumper installed I have lights..