Thread: Quadra Jet?
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Old 12-10-2002, 12:38 PM   #2
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Both Rochester and Edelbrock make Q-Jets which is short for Quadrajet. If your carb. is original you should have a Rochester. Edelbrocks are replacement carbs that meet all requirements on emission controlled vehicles. The Edelbrocks are like the originals with a few changes for the better. When I went to the Edelbrock I didnt notice any difference except I was able to pass emissions (Rochester leaked) and had a working electric choke.

Your boggin is probly caused by your EGR valve. Try unhooking it and see what happens. You should notice a different right away. The EGR is located on the passenger side of the intake manifold near the back of the carb. Its kinda big and is a metal color. Take the vacuum line off and plug the line and cap the port, then go for a ride and see how it acts. If it acts fine try replacing or removing your EGR valve. If you have to pass emissions then you will need your EGR for sniffer and visual.
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