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Old 06-13-2007, 05:22 PM   #24
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Re: Lurker OrrieG Progress Pics

One of the members requested detailed information on the steering box so here it is:

Here are photos of the steering box. I also did a hand sketch that shows the mounting location, plate, shim and bolt sizes. When I did mine I made a template out of 3/8" cardboard and mocked it up. One of the holes aligns with an existing hole in the frame so it is relatively easy to set the template for drilling the other 2 holes. The plate and top hole are above the frame. The box is mounted at a 15 degree angle, this maintains the proper steering arm alignment. I used through bolts and nuts because two of the threads in the steering box were stripped and I like the idea of nuts with lock washers in addition to the threads into the cast box.

EDIT 6-11. I discovered that the box mounts over the stock bumper bracket location. I modifed the bracket to fit in the front most bolt shim space between the plate and box. I added a couple of pictures at my post 6-17-11, maxed out here.
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File Type: pdf steering box plate.pdf (60.1 KB, 1093 views)

Last edited by OrrieG; 06-19-2011 at 11:49 PM.
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