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Old 12-10-2002, 03:03 PM   #1
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Question Need a copy of vacuum routing diagram

I have the typical vacuum routing emissions diagram on the sticker under the hood. ('84 Chevy P/U w/305) As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have to replace all the emissions stuff to pass inspection here in Houston, bought the truck elsewhere and most of it has been removed.

Does anyone know where I can find that same vacuum diagram in paper form, or a file I can print into a hard copy? Guess I could hand draw it, and will if I have to.

I've located all the parts I need to redo all the emission stuff, even using new parts, it'a not going to be a expensive as I expected, but buying the replacement parts, that's all I'll get, just the parts. My plan is to find one in a junkyard get as much of the stuff that I need as I can. That way I get all the mounting hardware etc. and see how it's all laid out, and replace components as needed with new once it's all in place. Having a paper copy of that sticker would be helpful to have in hand in the junkyard, and since the work probably won't get done all at once, would be nice to have a copy of it to mark up as the puzzle goes together to keep track of what's done and not done.

I called a dealership, they said they didn't have that info. I suspect the guys in the shop have a way to access it, but don't have an inside connection.
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