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Old 06-14-2007, 03:51 PM   #14
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Re: Will a 73-87 front crossmember use components for a 72??

If you want to lay frame that crossmember will do it. You will need to do some cutting though to make it work. You will have to cut down the rack width, cut down your tie rod ends, make an adapter to go from the rack to your tie rods, you will have to make motor mounts to make it sit right, cut the tranny tunnel, if you don't have a high hump, you will have to cut the frame to make the steering cross through it. You should make a set of upper control arms.
I'm not sure how big of a tire you want to run in the front, but with that lower arm I don't really think you can drive ultra low. I think I am going to narrow mine so I can drive it low and steer.
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