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Old 06-21-2007, 09:47 AM   #10
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Re: Goodmark Sheetmetal

Originally Posted by Tri-ProAutomotive View Post
Joe, I'm not trying to steer you away from Goodmark at all so don't read this that way. When you start to get into '73-up sheetmetal you can buy most of it locally from regular aftermarket distributors (check for US members in your area). Buying this way will save you some dollars in shipping and handling.
Do you happen to know if Tri-ProAutomotive supplies fenders and other body parts to a company by the name of Keystone? If so there's a Keystone warehouse about 12 miles or so from me in Ozark, Mo. I have been to their warehouse before and asked about fenders for the 73-87 GM trucks but was told that they didn't have any in stock at the time but could have them down here from Kansas City the next day.

I was told about Keystone parts being some of the best parts out there in the aftermarket by a buddy of mine that is an auto body repairman. After I checked out those two websites that you posted up I found a link to the Keystone parts company in Ozark. This got me wondering if Keystone parts gets the sheetmetal that they sell from Tri-ProAutomotive? If they are actually one in the same I'm going to give them a call today and see about getting a right hand side fender for my truck and see just how good the thing fits.
Thanks for your help. ...Joe
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