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Old 12-12-2002, 04:01 AM   #7
Nobody is perfect...
bill_ont_canada's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London,Ont,Canada
Posts: 200
Can't help with your Shimmy Shimmy Shake problem

I can only offer my sympathy, but if you want to feel good about it, picture this... If that happened to me I would be laying in a foot of snow in probably zero temperature hands freezing while I try to chip the ice off the d**m thing so the wrench would go on the nut and then it would likley be rusted on there, and need wd40 or something sprayed on it to help loosen it up. It would take hours to change that idler arm, that is if the wind did'nt get too bad. Even when the job was done and I went in the house for a couple of hours and got thawed out, It would take forever to get to where I was going because the roads would be slippery and generally crappy.

I bet that made ya feel all warm and fuzzy lol.

However the reason for this post is to ask you about your signature line

84 swb - 5/7 drop - old school style

can you tell me what old school style means how did you get your 5/7 drop ??? I would really appreciate it.

Have fun tomorrow with the idler arm I hope you live in a warm part of Texas.

Thanx ..
Have a fabulous day.
Bill... (ö¿ö)

" Loud Pipes Save Lives "
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