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Old 06-24-2007, 09:50 PM   #1
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67 chevy 1/2 ton parts truck f/s

i was going to part this truck out and keep the grille for my next project but i need to move it so here what you get .
its a swb frame but frame is bad [rust holes]
fixable cab or patches
dash bezel and matching glove box door.
swb 1 piece drive shaft. is was a 6 cyl. with 3 on the tree.
6 lug rear end non pois.
doors are bad but could use the guts out of them.
it has a non cut non a/c dash.
repairable bench seat.
incab wiring harness.
grille would be very nice driver shape after a good sand blasting.
hood may could be used not sure how it would clean up.
it has a good va. title with it.
tires will hold air to load on a trailer.
6 cyl eng towers
3 speed shifter rods.
gas pedel linkage
under hood light harness.
grille park lights
no bed
come get it for $350.00
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