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Old 12-12-2002, 09:34 PM   #1
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Talking My Xmas present--how to lower hood

For all you "PUTZ's" out there who are driving our classic trucks around with the rear of the hood sticking up, I will give you my Christmas present of: "The trick of how to get the back of the hood down where it belongs"!! This has been shared before but am still seeing to many beautiful trucks with that dump problem ---I should talk--put up with it for years till a fuzzy troll climed out from under a little bridge and showed me the error of my ways!!

Well anyway, the trick to rear hood alignment is getting the back of the hinges down low enough to pull the hood with them.
Loosen the two rear bolts on each hinge. Have one person push up on the hood while the other tightens the rear bolts down. Don't go for broke but a little at a time watching that you don't bind off the rear of the hood on the cowl and scratch paint!

Sometimes you really got to push up a bit on the front of the hood to get them hinges to drop in the back. Sometimes you may have to loosen the front bolt on each hinge if really tight.
This is not easily done by one person but is very easy with two!

If it works for you, let me know as I have yet to find it not work even with well worn hinges!!! SANTA Huck
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