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Old 06-29-2007, 12:37 PM   #24
Ivan D.
glamoros piece o' lowlife
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Re: front leaf springs

Originally Posted by Zoomad75 View Post
I'm betting the too noobs are trolls or they are friends of rcflyer that came on here to give him a hard time.

Either way, post's like that are way out of place in the 4x4 area. If you don't like lifted 4x4's don't try to tell us what we like is wrong.
Haha, "trolls", as in folks living under the bridge, as in everyone south of the Makinac Bridge? But hey, if it will make you feel better my otherwise perfect candidate for lowering 2wd truck rolls on 32" & 33" mud slingers, and the only reason I ain't got larger ones is that there ain't no lift kits for those trucks no more so anything larger will rub like crazey. And I also made me something that ya'll don't see every day - an old Lincoln Towncar with 29" offroad truck tires, massive brush guard, and a spare wheel mounted jeep-style behind the rear bumper - I'd say that's about as offroad-ready as one can get from a limo-foundation sedan So yeah, not all MI is weird like that.

As for why you need lift and big tires on the street - I saw once an accident on 275, happened right before me eyes, some kid with a ricemobile was passing a lifted truck of some sort and didn't judge his distance right and cut the truck off clipping the front right tire, ricer kid floored the gas took off and lost control and spun and truck climbed straight over and across the hood, like an action-movie scene
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diesel, reg cab, long bed, 4 across the rear, single stack, wooden stakes, and lotsa lights - the Hay Express
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