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Old 07-01-2007, 01:28 PM   #2
just can't cover up my redneck
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Re: Dealer installed a/c

I'm not sure about this one..........It seems like a lot of work to try to re-use old parts. It may work just fine right where it is...but I don't see moving it w/o problems/breakage. Then you are looking for replacement parts for an add-on unit. These can't be the easiest thing to find.

As a side note.....You will never get that apart/uninstalled and keep the freon inside. You may be able to hack up the truck that it is coming out of to get the lines out, but it won't go back in that way. Besides the fact that it is just plain dangerous to be fiddling around with pressurized 40 year old lines/fittings and expect them not to break.

Go with aftermarket, you will know where you stand from the begining and what you can expect in the end.
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