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Old 07-02-2007, 12:59 AM   #1
Commander Taco Bello
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Out for a Sunday drive....

Over the last week I've spent some time buffing the extremely oxidized paint on my truck. Hour here, hour there. Anyways, today i got the entire drive side done and decided to go out for a drive with the wife and kids.

and i brought my camera.

was on the way to a good spot to watch the sun set, and found the road to be closed. There was no way i could make it all the way around the construction and get to the spot before dark, so, i took advantage of the area around me, and got some construction zone shots. Spent a little time in PS color correcting and cleaning a couple bad spots in the paint (both are under the gas filler hole) and here we are.

Let me know what you think. This is my DD for the summer.

btw, the last pic shows what it looked like before buffing vs after.
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