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Old 07-03-2007, 12:32 PM   #2
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Re: 87 v20 Distributor 350 Motor

You do have HEI. Since the timing is controlled by the computer you don't have the advance mechanism found in older HEIs. The firing order is the same regardless what distributor you have.

The cap terminals are numbered clockwise from the terminal designated as #1. You could designate any terminal #1 as long as the rotor lines up with the terminal when the engine is at TDC for the #1 cylinder. Normally the #1 is around the 4 or 5 o'clock position on the cap.

If you did not remove the distributor from the engine, you could rotate the engine until the timing marks line up on the damper and timing tab and find the #1 cap terminal. The timing marks will line up two times, in of the positions of aligment you should fing the rotor lines up somewhere close to what is shown in your manul as the #1 cap terminal.

It is possible you damaged the coil, but I would verify the installation of the wires before replacing parts.
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