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Old 07-04-2007, 12:46 PM   #1
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prepping parts for paint

i was just out working on some 15x8 rally rims (from an 84), and i got the bulk of the rusty nastiness off. actually, i just rubbed the sh** out of them with some brillo pads and theyve actually gone from horrific to close to presentable. so, i have a few questions about prepping for and painting.

1) is por15 typically sold locally? if so, what types of places sell it?
2) if i cant come across por15, are "other" anti-rust primers acceptable for rims that ill proabaly only run 2-3 years before getting new ones?
3) what type of paint will hold up the best. anything in particular?

2001 ECSB Silverado Z71
1971 LB C10 Custom
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