Re: Just bought my new toy!!! 1st time here.
Originally Posted by mnunn454
Sweet truck. Looks great.
May I offer two pieces of advice before it's shipped cross country? First, make sure the fuel tank is almost empty. I had an Elky shipped cross country without ensuring that and by the time it got home the entire engine was filled with fuel (cylinders, crankcase, etc) causing me lots of grief. Second, were it me, I wouldn't use a commercial carrier again either because of the lack of special attention required for antique vehicles in general, and "my baby" in particular. Many have used these carriers with great results, 'guess I was just unlucky. You didn't mention your shipping method, but regardless, I hope your gem arrives safe and sound. It sure deserves it based on the pics.
Thank you. The shipper has been dealing with this classic car dealer for 15 years (dont know the name) but they to insure everything. Thansk for the advise. Also do you think the price paid for the truck is good>?
going to sell this one...looking for a SWB project next.