We just had a hellish big storm come through!
We were out on the porch watching the last of it go by when my wife basically screams and scares the crap outta me...
What she saw was my oldest daughters tree we had planted when she was born had been blown over. (planted 12 years ago and fairly large)
I spun around and headed to get the keys to my blazer, drove it into the back yard (super soft and on a hillside) tore the grass up pretty good getting into position.
Threw the tree saver around it about 4ft up and winched away.

It had fallen down hill and would have been impossible to move any other way.
Pulled it back to where it used to live then pounded three stakes into the ground and used and old tow strap to tie it off.
Cleaned up the yard, wiped the tears from my daughters face and called it good.