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Old 07-12-2007, 12:09 AM   #1
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Now My Truck is MP3 Compatible!!

feel my elbow in your ribs, Frizzle? :lol:

well, it's not nearl as innovative as Frizzle's solution, nor as elegant. but it was cheap (free-ish)

what I used:

Small cig lighter power inverter (layin' around already)
Brown Extension cord (layin' around already)
mp3 compatible cell phone (already using as primary phone)
old set of computer speakers w/ subwoofer (purchased open-box 5 years ago.)

you can see where this is going. Sub is in the back of rhe blazer, and the two mids are in front of the wheel wells. line in is plugged into the windows smartphone (i have a 1gb card in it for tunes.) displays album art and all song info, vol. control, ff/rw, etc.

the setup sounds surprisingly good. it's meant to fill a room, so you can imaging it fills a blazer quite well.

Very portable
you can hear the phone ring over the tunes (plugged into the speakers, and sounds great as speakerphone.)
didn't have to cut dash.
took about 5 mins to "install"
did i mention it was cheep and took no time at all?

i took pics, trying to upload them now:

.ok, here they are
Attached Images
"Anybody who would paint his truck like this, would go to a minister's funeral dressed in feathers!" - Big Enis Burdett

'72 Blazer Restoration Blog:

Last edited by cstanley; 07-12-2007 at 09:20 AM.
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