Thread: door question
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Old 07-12-2007, 01:50 AM   #14
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Re: door question

GM could not un-f--k the problem thats why they went to a half top a couple years later(1975) but thats why the first gens are sooo coool. I am going to put in a full cage also.

Thanks for the reply Ill just put the body on there with the new bushings. Then shim and sham till it ll lines up. Then get the cage in after its all straightened out. probally will end up being a huge pain in the ass but this seems to be the way to get it done.

I have been told here on this board and from people i know that the body MUST be on to properly put on the rocker boxes and pillars and ALL that area. wich make perfect sense.

but then there is this guy

and his is not on a frame as I can tell and it looks good to go. so never give up the fight!! measure it all and support it Things should work out.

Later Jeff
Semper Fi
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