Re: please help me, its still dieing......
Hey, I just remembered something that happened to my dad a few years ago. He had a nice fairly-new Chevy Luv several years back, and he'd occasionally put some STP or some other gas treatments in it from time to time. His truck got to where it would occasionally die, kinda like you had described. You could let it sit for 5 - 10 minutes and it would start back up and run fine. He'd had it back to the dealership numerous times, but with no luck. Finally, a local mechanic, on a hunch, pulled the gas tank, and there, in the bottom, was a small round disc of cardboard, from under the lid of one of those gas treatment bottles dad had used at some point. It had apparently slipped in there, unnoticed, and would get 'sucked' up against the tank outlet. After a few minutes of no gas movement, it would slide back down to the bottom of the tank. Don't know if this is your problem exactly, but it kinda sounds similar. Hope this helps, best of luck.
"I drive my pickup into the big city, 'n write my room number right on the bottom o' my boot. Jus' so I don't forget where I live. That's right, y'all. That's how I roll!"