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Old 12-15-2002, 08:56 PM   #2
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Yea, I live in Burlington, KY. I live right outside Florence, if you've seen the "Florence Y'all" you are about 4 miles from my house. And you're exactly right, I've got alot to keep me busy with my girl. Right now, I haven't bought a truck because of Christmas, but hopefully it'll come soon. And she drives now(permit anyways) and right down the road from her house sits a truck in the weeds. She actually stopped when I asked her to, to look at the truck but when I started to get out, she sped off. For now, I Love her, but the whole her not liking my love for automobiles isn't going to work for long. Haha. And I'm always up for working on vehicles, just getting down there'll be a *****; but I'm still a young'n so I'm not like a guru, I don't know that much. My mom lives in Richmond too.
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