Originally Posted by Chris_T
How long have you all kept a truck or a project that you're not working on or driving before you sell it? For those of you that kept, how long has it been waiting and did you ever get back around to it?
Won't ever sell, I don't think. There have been times when money was tight, and selling seemed like an option. But I'm glad I didn't. I don't always have the time to work on my truck, but that goes for a lot of other things in my life too. I used to scuba dive, go fishing, camping, etc. Now I spend my off hours working on home improvements, and chasing after the kids and their activities. Softball in the spring and summer, hockey in the winter. There is very little break between.
The good news is that I have it, I can drive it when I want to, work on it when I want to. I manage to pick a couple of things each year or summer to fix or replace. This year is the floor and rockers. Once that is done, it is pretty much ready for a good paint job. I turned 40 last week and have had the truck since I was 15. It's never been repainted. I can hardly wait.
Here's the kicker, since all the wrenching is pretty much done and I suck at body work, I got another project. See the build thread if you want, but it total wrench work. Don't care about the body. It's waiting until I finish two more honey do projects (working on one today) then the fun begins.
My wife wasn't exactly thrilled with the new project and asked me why I'm doing it. I sat for a while and thought about it. The best answer I could come up with, was that it made me happy. Runners like to run, painters like to paint. I like to wrench.
The bottom line for you is this. Do I really want to do this project? Is it really a problem for the project to wait? Keep the truck off the ground or out of the weeds, cover it up so it stays dry. Start it up every once in a while and drive it around (if possible). When it's your time to get into the project, when it has moved up on your priority list, you'll know it's time. If you lost interest completely, sell it off. They are not so rare you can't get another if the interest returns.
Personally, I don't ever plan on "restoring" another old rusty car of any kind. I have learned that it is much easier and less costly to buy someone elses hard work and money.