Originally Posted by dan42
Why does it seem that all the good trucks are in Oregon? They sure aren't here, or at least for a decent price. Everyone thinks they own a diamond and want too much money for them.
They still exist here in Cali, but the SWB's command a high price, where the LWB in the same condition has a hard time fetching $1500 in running driving condition. 3/4 tons seem to go for less, 4x4's a bit more. The $200 parts beaters are out there, you just have to be good at looking for them. (you wont find them in upity up neighborhoods, you need to go to farm land/ruaral areas/poor neighborhoods, and areas where junk vehicle abatement laws/enforcement are lax to find em cheap. (your luck may very, but i've bout several sub $500 trucks in decent shape)