Thread: Ram jet or ZZ4
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Old 12-16-2002, 12:20 AM   #6
chris 71K5
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Dumont NJ
Posts: 31
I would just get the ZZ4 and add EFI to it yourself. The ramjet is a lot of money, and it doesnt even monitor and adjust air/fuel mix (no O2 sensor). Speed density (90-92 camaros, firebirds or corvettes) is pretty much the same work to install, only you have to hook up a few power wires. It is also a fraction of the cost of a ramjet and you can get any part at your local parts house. I converted my 71 K5 from carb to TPI using all factory parts from a 91 Camaro. The wiring was very easy (factory harness and ECM) and I used a 31 gallon 87 K5 Blazer tank with a stock camaro fuel pump. If you have any questions, just ask
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