Re: What's more valuable? A hot rod or daily driver?
depends on who you are.
Now Yenko as i understand was a racer who owned a dealership. he started out racing corvairs. the way i under stand it is he got the hp parts from gm and went racing, then started selling vehicles with these hp parts on them..
sounds like a true hot rodder to me.
now if you went out and buy one unfinished and fixed it up to show i would say you are a true enthusiast and love these cars just for the beauty.
if you drive that car then id say your a hot rodder and if you race it even better.
now if you got a lot of money and want to buy one finished and show it then i would say your a collector..
if you want to buy one and drive it then i would say your crazy.. of course thats what i would do if i had the money.
i think people are missing the point on these old muscle cars and hot rods. they were built to go out and put your foot down and have fun in. be it racing or just a weekend cruise that the real value.
when collectors start paying big bucks to brag on that they have one setting in there museum or garage well they missed the whole point. its worthless other than bragging wrights.
ya your kids can go and see one but do you honestly think they will catch the bug of hot rodding by seeing one in the museum. heck no. now you take them for a ride in an old daily driver with a beefed up SBC or BBC and look out.
now that i have probably gone clear off the subject. I would have to say of course the daily drive is worth more. the Yenko is worth nothing to me cause i can't afford it. if i had one i would sell it and buy one nice hot rod that i can have fun in and one nice daily driver.