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Old 07-23-2007, 10:33 PM   #1
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New truck, some questions

Today I purchased one of our companies old welding veichles; a 1971 Chevy C/30. Odometer reads 88k and overall it was in fairly decent shape. I know I could find out what engine I have by the numbers on the block, but I need to clean it up pretty good and have other things I need to do to it first. It's a stock, guessing 350, 2bbl. The heads have the square with the single triangle on top casting mark. Is this a probabally a 350, or 307?? What kind of power did it have stock?? I have a 4bbl intake laying around, or could pick one up from a our shop for cheap/free. Would it be worth it power wise to adapt the stock 2bbl to a 4bbl intake. Guessing not, but considering the only cost would be the adapter.... maybe worth a go??

Second, its running rich and back firing. Got the spark plug wires sorted out, timimg might be off, no major vacume leaks can be seen. How do I go about leaning out the Rochester carb if a deeper look into everything comes up as negative?? As a side note, I need a new steering wheel. Will any steering wheel from a old Chevy truck and/or van work??

Here is how the truck looks as is. I have a like-new grill/front clip and hood that a guy working in our shop was generous enough to give me after he re-did the front on his 72 Chevy. Going to paint the bumper, wheels, and maybe the body a little bit later. I have two other older cars though; a 79' Malibu that I finished up awhile back and a 83 Jeep CJ7 I'm still trying wrap up. So I'm trying to keep this project on the cheap for now, then down the road really go over it. Figure it'll mike a nice tow vehicle and true truck down the road, and for $700 it was hard to pass up.

Here are some pictures of it. People, girlfriend especially, think I lost my mind buying such a "big" truck. I like it though, something differnet, simple, and all metal.

Last edited by Konk; 07-23-2007 at 10:33 PM.
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