Originally Posted by cdowns
the main problem with the factory air is the amt of power it takes to run them// yes they work very well and cool nice but for the 2-3mpg it costs to run if i had a driver i'd go for the modern effiency of the aftermarket if you're looking for a correct trailer queen resto do the stock system
Unless you have another truck to look at, it may be difficult to install a used system, plus, who know if it even works? You may have leaks or have to replace expensive parts.
A vintage air set up will set you back about $1,150 with shipping and probably another $100-$150 for the belts and system charge. BUT you will have all the instructions and can use your factory air vents in the cab and the factory A/C controls!
A must: You should have at least a 4 core radiator and a good clutch fan in order to keep the engine cool on hot days.
I have a 3 core radiator and 7 blade clutch fan and it's letting the truck get up to 200-205 in traffic, which to me is OK, but not great, so I'll be adding electric fans when $$$ permits (probably another $2-300.)
My truck is also an automatic, which makes it worse, if your truck is a manual I'd think a 3 core radiator and clutch fan would be ok.