Thread: how to lead???
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Old 07-26-2007, 04:10 AM   #1
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how to lead???

can anybody tell me how to or have any how to links for leading? i dont want to use bondo and i want to learn how to lead anyway but its not going as easy as i expected, its not sticking and im putting a tinning fluid on it before i put on the lead but it just falls off and what doesnt fall off i can take off fairly easy

im heating up the metal and letting the lead melt on the hot steel and not the flame and just kinda globing it on a bit in various spots, then letting it set and then heating it and trying to shap and move it with a piece of wood but all it does is fall off and i dont get why its not sticking

Alte Seele S.S.

"Allison" '72 C/10 LWB 350SB/TH350 - DD

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