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Old 07-26-2007, 01:15 PM   #8
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Re: 1968 250 Engine pics

Originally Posted by decade22ten View Post
howdy. could you tell me how to tell the difference between a 250 or 292? my block has 866 855 stamped on it. is that the casting number? thanks.
That # didn't bring anything up for me, Here is where it should be on a 250 between the motor mount and the dipstick. The # near the dipstick should be the month and year of manufature. I don't know about 292's tho.

Once you get it put it into a google search with the word "casting" and it will tell you what it is. The difference between a 250 and 292 are the same as a 350 to a 400, same basic design, just bigger alot of brackets arent' interchangable.
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